The history of Dehesa Fuente Ymbro is inevitably linked to our land. The unique location in which we are situated, San José del Valle (Cádiz), has allowed us to develop and work with products that are 100% natural and respectful of the environment that surrounds us.
Since the acquisition of the property Fuente Ymbro in 1998, agriculture and stockbreeding have become the main economic activity of the family.
After several years of studying abroad, four sisters decided to return home to start a new project and bring to the world their products, which they could not find anywhere else when they had to leave the countryside and which they missed so much. And so, Dehesa Fuente Ymbro was born, a brand that incorporates the marketing of agri-food products from our land, mainly oil, cheese and honey.
Over the years we have maintained a clear objective: to offer our customers unique and exclusive products of the highest quality, highlighting the value of artisan products and the flavour of Andalusia. Raised in the countryside, our passion, the love we feel for animals and for nature is indescribable.
Our slogan: From our land to your table.
Our aim: To bring a little piece of our paradise to your home.
We prioritise health, taking care of ourselves and enjoying the richness of intense and original flavours.
Our main work is based on the development as a traditional agricultural and livestock farm. Discipline and honesty in our work are basic values that guide us.
Dehesa Fuente Ymbro
Passion for nature and animals
Contact with animals and the environment they inhabit has been a constant family activity; a gift that our elders have given us since we were very young. Thanks to this, we have learned to respect, protect and value nature and the life in it.
Our products are a true reflection of our love for the natural life that surrounds us.
Dehesa Fuente Ymbro
Purchase of “Fuente Ymbro”
Purchase of “Las Vegas de Elvira”
Bovine cattle purchase
Purchase of Iberian Pigs
Purchase and Integration of the first Iberian Pigs exploitation
Lidia Cattle
Purchase and Integration of Lidia Cattle
Entry into a new sector
Goat exploitation initiation
Olive Grove
Investment for the plantation of the first olive grove
Second Olive Grove
Second investment for the plantation of Olive Grove
Entry in the nuts sector with the plantation of almond trees
Third Olive Grove
Third investment for the plantation of olive grove (III) and initiation of the commercialization of olive oil.
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